The Confluence - In Blue - by Mike Busby Photography

Where the Colville River merges with the Columbia River.  

"The Confluence - In Blue" - © 2016 Mike Busby Photography - A Panorama of Several Images - f2.8 @ 30 sec, ISO 3200

This image felt unique the moment it was captured. The area had been scouted earlier, but I was 90 degrees off relative to where I thought the Milky Way would appear.'s only an error of some 1.5 million light years...a galactic drop in the bucket. So, I shifted my view 90 degrees, found a new spot to compose, compensated for the bright lights of Kettle Falls, and took this shot. It's not what I was expecting for the night, but I'm pleased with how it came out. 

Mike Busby
Facebook: Busby World Company: Photography


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