Palouse Falls by Mike Busby Photography

Palouse Falls resides in Eastern Washington, and it's a favored spot for photographers.

"Palouse Falls" - © 2016 Mike Busby - Mike Busby Photography - 10 images - f2.8 @ 30 sec, ISO 3200

The problem arises from needing the moon present to get light into the falls and the canyon, and to have the moon absent so the Milky Way will show.  The conditions came together last night. It was a quarter moon, more than enough to light the canyon at 30 seconds, and it set at 11:30 p.m. The Milky was visible at 11:30, but the bright galactic core didn't rise until 2:00 a.m.  So, the canyon and falls were shot around 10:30 p.m. while the moon was present, and the Milky was shot - at the same location - around 2:45 a.m. 

This one image is the collection of several images put together, and the digital negative is some 4 1/2 feet in length. I imagine a display of some 20ft in length is easily achievable. 

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Facebook: Busby World Company: Photography

Mike Busby


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